HACC of Maryland Partners with RLS and Aireco Supply, Inc. to Educate Students on Press-to-Connect Fittings for HVAC/R

RLS is proud to announce a new partnership with The Heating and Air Conditioning Contractors of Maryland (HACC) and Aireco Supply, Inc. to educate HACC apprentice students on the pressing process.

Fittings will be supplied by RLS, while RLS tools and jaws will be loaned to the school by Aireco Supply. Current students have already begun to learn the proper techniques for using the time-saving, braze-free RLS system, and classes will continue through the Fall semester and beyond.

“HACC of Maryland is an outstanding organization. All of us at RLS are excited to support the apprenticeship training program and produce quality techs for the HVACR industry.” said Peter Schumacher, RLS Northeast Regional Business Manager.

While all HVAC/R students need to master the brazing process, it is important for them to also learn the flame-free alternative provided by RLS technology. There are many situations in the field where an open flame is not allowed, is impractical or is particularly unsafe. In these cases, as well as when installation speed it critical, RLS fittings provide an ideal solution.

About HACC: Heating and Air Conditioning Contractors of Maryland is a trade association that supports HVAC contractors. In 1996, HACC started the apprentice program because its members were struggling to find qualified help. The organization currently has 270 students taking classes, and also partners with 4 community colleges for the program, including Carroll Community College, Cecil College, Harford Community College and Howard Community College. Learn more.

About Aireco: Aireco Supply, Inc is a Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning, & Refrigeration (HVACR) Wholesaler in the Mid-Atlantic region and proud sponsor of HACC of Maryland. Aireco has over 65 years in the industry, offering the best brands in the business. Aireco has 43 locations throughout the Mid-Atlantic region, including three M&M Controls specialty stores. Aireco Supply, Inc. is proud to be your “Total Customer Solution.” Learn more.