Manufacturing is Now Up and Running in our New HQ Building

Phase 1 of our big move – getting the office staff into the new building – was accomplished in May of this year. That was a small task compared to Phase 2 – moving the entire manufacturing plant approximately 150 miles from Shelbina, Missouri to St. Louis.

But we’re happy to report that the majority of Phase 2 is complete, and we are now producing fittings in our new location. Plus, in addition to all the equipment we moved, we have also purchased several new machines to increase our production capacity in order to keep up with increasing demand.

As part of our new, state-of-the-art, 68,000 square foot factory, we have invested in new technology – including several fully-automated, robotic processes that will greatly increase our production speed, while also ensuring consistent quality. While the new plant is fully operational now, we will continue to add equipment and capacity over the coming months.

That leaves Phase 3 as the final step in the new building: our showroom and training center, which is scheduled for completion early next year. We look forward to hosting contractors, engineers and wholesalers for factory tours and hands-on training sessions throughout 2023 and beyond.

Check this website for future updates on our progress on the new building. And to make sure you always stay up-to-date on all RLS news and announcements, be sure you’re subscribed to our Pressing News eNewlsetter.