An envelope of 11“ x 7“ is recommended. For 1-3/8“ couplings, a minimum of 4.4” is required between couplings (down to 3.3“ for 1/4“ couplings). A minimum of 2.3“ from
What is the minimum distance between RLS fittings?What is the minimum distance between RLS fittings?
The ends of the fittings should be no closer than 1/2 inch apart.
What is the minimum brazing distance?What is the minimum brazing distance?
Brazing tubing after a fitting has been installed should be avoided at all costs. Minimum brazing distances below apply to pre-brazed tube sections as well. If field brazing, conventional precautions
How much tolerance can the RLS fitting handle on the tube being pressed?How much tolerance can the RLS fitting handle on the tube being pressed?
We know that not all copper tubing is the same, but we have tested RLS with most copper tube manufacturers with no issues. The tolerance for each tube to ensure
How do I press onto the flared tubing that comes out of the condenser and evaporator on residential units?How do I press onto the flared tubing that comes out of the condenser and evaporator on residential units?
We do not have a specific product designed to press over this type of flared tubing. However, if there is at least 3 inches of straight copper tubing after the
How do I know the correct insertion depth when pushing the RLS fitting onto the copper tube?How do I know the correct insertion depth when pushing the RLS fitting onto the copper tube?
Use the depth gauge provided or the Minimum Insertion Depth guidelines below to determine the correct insertion depth. Mark the tubing with a permanent marker to indicate proper insertion depth
How do you slide insulation over RLS fittings if the flare grabs the insulation?How do you slide insulation over RLS fittings if the flare grabs the insulation?
If the flare of the fitting tends to be a problem, you can smooth the transition over the fitting by adding duct or electrical tape around the flared edge of
What is a “deep” scratch and how can I remove it?What is a “deep” scratch and how can I remove it?
A deep scratch is defined as one that can be felt with your fingernail. To remove minor scratches try using a new piece of Scotch Brite abrasive pad (maroon color)
What is the most common cause of leaky fittings?What is the most common cause of leaky fittings?
Skipping installation instructions 4 through 8 will cause the tube to leak. It is very important to use the scouring pad and deburring tool. Refrigerant gas running at high pressure